How to create your own game engine by yourself
How to create your own game engine by yourself

First impressions will hook - then keep - the player playing. What impression does your game make? What are the visuals? Sound? First impressions matter.

how to create your own game engine by yourself

Think about what story’ll be found in your game. A story can be created from the increasing numbers in 2048, the rising empires in Civilization, and the silent interactions in Monument Valley. If the story isn’t obvious, it is created by the player. What story should players remember your game by? What emotions should they leave your game with? Every game has a story.

how to create your own game engine by yourself

It can be as simple as pressing QWOP to move in the game QWOP, to tapping buttons to chat in Mystic Messenger, to the tons of key combos in Dwarf Fortress. What does your player do? And for what purpose? This is your gameplay. Is your game about something thought-provoking? Scandalous? Is it putting a new twist to an old classic? Or, is it doing something that’s never been done before? Once you capture this, you can write down the next three points much easier. What makes your game idea great? For me, this is the most important to write down. But I can give suggestions on what to write about: Others, like me, write a page of badly-written notes, unreadable to anyone else.

  • ?A dvice I’ve curated from my and others’ experiences.Įveryone’ll have their own way of doing that best.
  • The rest of my post will structure each stage into the following:

    how to create your own game engine by yourself

    ADVERTISEMENT To make a game, you must go through the 6 stages of game development: Design.

    How to create your own game engine by yourself